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Category Archives: Culture & Style

Portugal Property Taxes & Insurance

Jun 08, 2022
Taxes & Insurance are not everyone's cup of tea, but they are critically important when making your property invest ...
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Algarve Beach with cliffs and clear waters

Portugal Beach Flags, Safety & Fun

May 05, 2022
Discover Portugal's new beach flags, how to stay safe and enjoy the beach like an Algarve local.
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Very Perri Home Decor Inspiration

Feb 07, 2022
Colour of the year, Very Perri. Classic, elegant, close cousin to purple the colour of royalty & wealth, yet rarely ...
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Portuguese mediterranean garden inspirations

10 Portuguese Mediterranean Garden Inspirati...

Mar 18, 2021
Portuguese gardens can vary from simply decorative and romantic to fully functioning orchards and vineyards that no ...
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Best Place To Live & Retire After COVID...

Apr 04, 2020
At the end of 2019, many of us started imagining the great things we’d accomplish in 2020. New career, reloca ...
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Portugal’s Future Planning – Innovativ...

Jan 03, 2020
Portugal’s comeback is a long way from its recently discovered 400,000 year old history. A confirmation made in 201 ...
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