Lisbon Europe’s Green Capital – Historic City, Historic Milestone

Portugal’s Lisbon was not only the first southern European city awarded European Green Capital but it achieved this while also rising out of an economic downturn, no small feat for a small country. An accomplishment noted by the awarding judges, and a hope that it inspires other cities to follow suit.

In the midst of the heavy focus on the current pandemic a bit of exciting and historic news about a wonderful city doing exemplary things, seems to have gotten lost, but this type of news is never too late to share. 


Just a few months ago, Lisbon was the first southern European city to be awarded European Green Capital, winning the prestigious award, given by the EU Commission, for its efforts in Urban Sustainability. 


Considering the tumultuous years the global economy has seen and Portugal arose from this was no small feat, an accomplishment also noted by the awarding judges. Suggesting Lisbon’s efforts may help inspire other cities to follow suit. 

“Globally we are faced with enormous environmental challenges. Climate change, over consumption, plastic waste and biodiversity loss are major threats to our cities and our future. It is heartening and inspiring to see such strong leadership from Lisbon, and other European Green Capital winners. With best practice environmental management, good urban planning, and citizens at the heart of their green transformation, they showed how to turn environmental challenges into opportunities, and make their cities healthy and enjoyable places to stay, live and work in.”  EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella. 


A list of some of Lisbon’s accomplishments leading to this award win can be found here

Being based in Portugal we appreciate the work and cooperation it takes from both the government and citizens to maintain the quality of life that can be enjoyed here. And we’re committed to being positive contributors to healthy living for both those living in Portugal and those that want to. If you’re interested in learning more about sustainable and healthy living projects in Portugal – we invite you to get in touch. 



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